$Unique_ID{BRK01050} $Pretitle{} $Title{Is the Rectal Exam for Prostate Cancer Really Necessary?} $Subject{rectal examination examinations prostate cancer cancers Special procedure Procedures blood tests computer tomography CT scan magnetic resonance imaging MRI digital rectum hidden blood stool guaiac test proctoscopic} $Volume{P-13} $Log{ Cancer of the Prostate*0007601.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Is the Rectal Exam for Prostate Cancer Really Necessary? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I have just completed another regular physical exam, and am happy that all is in good order. However, once again, I was subjected to the embarrassment of a rectal exam for prostate cancer. With all the developments in modern medicine, there must surely be a better way to check for this cancer. Honestly, Dr. B., is this test really necessary? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: I'll give you a look at some of the statistics, to help you make the decision about the importance of this test for yourself. Estimates by the American Cancer Society for 1989 reveal 103,000 new cases of prostate cancer and 28,500 deaths from prostate cancer that has spread. About 1 out of every 11 men can be expected to have cancer of the prostate, representing 20% of all diagnosed cancers in men, and 11% of all cancer deaths. Yet this form of cancer is considered curable, if the diagnoses can be made early enough, before the cancer has had a chance to spread, while it is still located only in the prostate. To be sure there are some other screening tests that can help with the diagnosis. A variety of blood tests exist as well as new imaging techniques like computer tomography of the pelvis (CT scan) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Despite the fact that these examinations hold great promise for the future, none have been proven to be more effective than a carefully performed digital examination of the rectum. The American Cancer Society recommends 3 procedures including 1) a digital rectal examination each year, 2) a test for hidden blood in the stool (stool guaiac test) every year after age 50, and 3) periodic proctoscopic examination after age 50. The rectal exam must of course, include the examination of the prostate. It may be a primitive examination by some standards, but it would be criminal to abandon a test that is so effective, and so reasonable in cost that can be an important weapon in helping to reduce the toll in humans lives, that are lost each year to this form of cancer. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.