$Unique_ID{BRK01035} $Pretitle{} $Title{Reducing Risks of AIDS in an Intimate Relationship} $Subject{sex safe AIDS college Community Social Problems acquired immune deficiency syndrome HIV human immunodeficiency virus sexually transmitted diseases std venereal disease vd long-term monogamous celibacy risk casual deep kissing prevention condom penile sheath sexual relationships} $Volume{Q-23} $Log{ Who Gets AIDS*0001002.scf AIDS is not Spread by Casual Contact*0001004.scf AIDS is Sexually Transmitted*0001005.scf How to Avoid AIDS*0001006.scf Types of Birth Control*0002001.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Reducing Risks of AIDS in an Intimate Relationship ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Life here at school is different than anything I have ever experienced. While studies are important, much of the talk in the dorm is about guys, sex and AIDS. Everybody has their own idea about who and what is safe, and I don't want to get more than I am willing to "bargain" for. I think you might include an answer that would provide some indications about reducing risks, if one chooses to have an intimate relationship? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Despite all the educational programs now in place, it is clear from your question (and others I have received) that more information is needed. There are several precautions you can take to minimize your risk of acquired immune deficiency syndrome and other sexually transmitted diseases. The least risk of infection comes with a long-term monogamous relationship, with no other sexual contacts. That puts marriage and fidelity in the forefront of the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. (Of course there are no risks at all associated with celibacy!) If both partners are monogamous and have not been previously exposed to the AIDS virus, there is virtually no chance of getting the disease unless one partner uses intravenous drugs. The greatest risk of infection comes with casual sex with more than one partner and with people who you hardly know. Chances are, if a person will have sex with you even though they hardly know you, they may have many other partners. The more partners, the greater the risk. If you have sex with anyone but an exclusive partner, precautions must be taken. Sexual contact should be carried out with a condom or penile sheath. This can protect both the wearer and his partner from contact with secretions, discharges and lesions. A condom should not only be worn for intercourse, but for oral-penile contact as well. Likewise, a condom should be used for penile-anal contact, even between monogamous partners. Oral-anal contact should be universally discouraged. A casual kiss, such as a peck on the cheek, or even on the lips, even from someone who is infected with the AIDS virus, is probably harmless. If an infected person coughs or sneezes on you, there is also very little reason for concern. Deep kissing involving tongues may be a hazard though, because the AIDS virus has been found in saliva, and there can be an exchange of saliva with that type of contact. Therefore, passionate, deep kisses should be avoided with casual sex partners, especially when there is a possibility that you have an open cut on the tongue or in your mouth. There is no available protection to reduce the risk of infection from oral saliva contact with the vulva or vagina. When using condoms, to prevent the spread of viruses, several precautions should be taken. Condoms should be used only once and then thrown away. The condom should be put on early in sexual foreplay, since many men secrete pre-ejaculatory fluid. Withdrawal of the condom-covered penis should be done carefully to prevent leakage of fluids. Because many men lose their erection very shortly after ejaculation, the condom and base of the penis should be grasped and held together during withdrawal, to reduce the risk of spillage. This is obviously not a decision to make without even more information than I can provide you here. Check with the health facility on your campus, I am sure they can provide you with much more information. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.