$Unique_ID{BRK01032} $Pretitle{} $Title{About Cures That Promise Miracles} $Subject{quackery FDA cures drugs drug frauds treatment treatments Arthritis products Cancer clinics miracle cure homemade AIDS treatments Instant Weight Loss Sexual aids increased libido Appearance modifiers Nutritional schemes Chelation therapies Muscle stimulators Candidiasis hypersensitivity} $Volume{R-0} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. About Cures That Promise Miracles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I have collected some advertisements for cures that you never mention in you column (copies enclosed). Do you think that the promises made here can possible be true? If not, you are not being correct with your faithful readers by failing to expose them. May I respectfully request your comments? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Perhaps I have been remiss, but I would turn this column into nothing else if I were to comment on all the clippings I receive that promise miracles, such as the selection you sent me. Surely you have observed for yourself that these claims are too good to be true? And they are just that, "not true"! Yet these companies are estimated to have had sales of $27 BILLION to gullible consumers. Let me provide you with the list of the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) "top ten" drug frauds. 1: Arthritis products: such as snake or bee venom, copper bracelets, large doses of vitamins; 2: Cancer clinics promising miracle cures using Laetrile, plus vitamin and mineral treatments; 3: AIDS cures using homemade treatments; 4: Instant Weight Loss schemes, including skin patches, herbal capsules and Chinese magic weight loss earrings; 5: Sexual aids promising increased libido and enhanced sexual pleasure; 6: Appearance modifiers such as quack baldness cures, wrinkle removers and breast developers; 7: Nutritional schemes that promote the "beneficial" qualities of such products as bee pollen, herbal remedies and wheat germ capsules; 8: Chelation therapies that claim that an injection or tablet of amino acid will break down arterial plaque; 9: Muscle stimulators that claim to remove wrinkles, perform face lifts, and remove cellulite; 10: Candidiasis hypersensitivity cures that claim to help the body deal with overgrowths of Candida, and thus reduce anxiety, depression, impotence and infertility. Medications approved by the FDA for use in the United States have undergone extensive and expensive evaluations proving both safety and effectiveness, which the promoters of these schemes have failed to do. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.