$Unique_ID{BRK01025} $Pretitle{} $Title{Medications Which are Dangerous to Take During Pregnancy} $Subject{pregnancies medication hazards Pregnancy Childbirth analgesics antibiotics antihistamines sedatives antianxiety agents antidepressives cortisone laxatives douches medications hazard analgesic antibiotic sedative antidepressive laxative douche} $Volume{K-0,R-0} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Medications Which are Dangerous to Take During Pregnancy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: My daughter is now carrying my first grandchild, and I want everything to be just perfect. However I think she is taking pills that might be dangerous for the baby. I should like you to publish a list of medications which are dangerous to take during pregnancy. I think you have many other readers who would be grateful to you for this information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Your question has much merit, and as I considered the answer and began to do my research, I was astonished at both the need for this type of information as well as the number of medications that would have to be listed. In consulting my most recent edition of the United States Pharmacopeial Convention publication, "Advice for the Patient", I discovered five full pages of fine print, listing hundreds of therapeutic preparations that require a long second look. As stated in the preface to this section, "The use of any medicine during pregnancy must be carefully considered. The physician and the patient must balance the expected benefits against the possible risks." To my thinking, that means any preparation, liquid or in capsule form, injected or by intravenous administration, eye drops and skin creams, or in fact by any route of administration must be considered in the light of the possible risks to the unborn. Each medication should be carefully researched, using the publications of the US Pharmacopeia Convention, "The Physician's Desk Reference" or package inserts provided with the medications. No type of medication is exempt. My list, which unfortunately is much too long to reproduce here, includes analgesics, antibiotics, antihistamines, sedatives, antianxiety agents, antidepressives, cortisone-like medications, laxatives and douches. No form of medication is excluded, and all the body's systems are included. Products used in some forms of radiological imaging as well as castor oil and caffeine are also listed. During this most important period of your daughter's life, all things must be suspect, and that will continue into the breast feeding period as well, where the list is almost as long. It may not be unwise to visit your local library to review this publication and the listings which appear in Appendix IV and V. Perhaps your physician may have a copy to lend you. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.