$Unique_ID{BRK00976} $Pretitle{} $Title{Isn't a Swollen Testicle Something to Worry About?} $Subject{hydrocele swollen testicle cyst Genitourinary hydroceles spermatic Spermatocele Needle aspiration testicles} $Volume{J-15} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Isn't a Swollen Testicle Something to Worry About? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: My husband had a lump in his testicle. After prolonged nagging he went to see the doctor. The doctor held a light behind the testicle and said he could see light through it so it was only a cyst and nothing to worry about. A couple of years later, without any reason which we can figure, that testicle has swollen to three times its size and has remained swollen. The doctor has said by phone that if it doesn't hurt, don't worry about it. These diagnoses sound pretty cavalier to me. I would like him to go to a second doctor. What do you think? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: I suppose we are operating here on the principle "If it isn't TOO broken, don't fix it", but your desire for a better explanation is certainly valid. Let us first assume that the mass is in the scrotum or sac, rather than a part of the testicle. Such "cysts" are common and are known as "hydroceles," and are filled with a clear, sterile fluid that results from overproduction or reduced absorption of the fluid produced by tissues within the scrotum. This fluid production may become increased when an inflammation exists, such as follows and infection or trauma. Another type of cyst found close to the testes is a spermatic cyst or "Spermatocele" which lies adjacent to the epididymis, a structure that stores sperm. The spermatocele also contains sperm. It likewise allows light to pass through, as the doctor did during his examination, and telling this cyst apart from a hydrocele is often quite difficult. However, most doctors do agree that if these masses are not too big, and do not cause pain and discomfort, they are best left alone. Needle aspiration, that draws off the fluid into a syringe, is at best temporary and may result in an infection. The only totally effective treatment to remove these liquid filled cysts is surgical removal, and from the sound of it, plain old fashion nagging isn't going to get you to convince your husband to undergo an operation he really doesn't need. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.