$Unique_ID{BRK00956} $Pretitle{} $Title{What is a "Dissection Aneurysm"?} $Subject{Marfan's diagnosis Circulatory arteriosclerosis hoarseness wheezing nerve pressure nerves aortography dissection aneurysm aorta artery ripping tearing Dissecting aneurysms} $Volume{G-4} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. What is a "Dissection Aneurysm"? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: We recently lost a good friend to a condition called "a Dissection Aneurysm". It was sudden and unexpected, and we have been provided very little explanation by his family. Would you please discuss this condition, and tell us what might have been done to save his life? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: The definition of an aneurysm is "a sac formed by the widening (dilatation) of the wall of a vein, artery or the heart". My guess from the information contained in your letter was that you friend suffered from an aneurysm of the aorta, the largest artery in the body, and died when the aneurysm ruptured. This is the most common outcome for such a situation, and occurs in about 70 percent of the cases. More astounding, the diagnosis of the aneurysm is usually not known before the life threatening crisis occurs. There are many causes of aneurysms, most frequently arteriosclerosis in older people, but a frequent cause of death in younger people who have Marfan's Syndrome. Whatever the underlying reason, the wall of the vessel is weakened, and gradually stretches into a balloon-like formation, pushed by the pressure of the blood within the vessel. This can occur without symptoms of any kind, although pain may be felt in the area of the aneurysm. Sometimes symptoms such as hoarseness and wheezing can result from pressure on the nerves or other structures caused by the growing sac. X-rays are helpful in diagnosing the condition, but it takes a special technique called "aortography" to find the location of a suspected aneurysm. A "dissecting aneurysm" occurs when the inner lining of the aorta becomes torn. The blood clot which forms pushes its way between the layers of the weakened wall of the vessel, separating them or "dissecting" them. This can continue over a period of time, until the outer wall breaks, and rupture occurs. Dissecting aneurysms are extremely painful for most patients, who describe the pain as being of a "ripping" or "tearing" character in the chest for thoracic aneurysms, and frequently taken for a heart attack. When an acute dissection occurs, the only treatment available with any chance of saving the patient is surgery to repair the tear, usually with a graft. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.