$Unique_ID{BRK00943} $Pretitle{} $Title{What Are the Hopes for a Person With Chronic Pain?} $Subject{pain chronic treatment treatments medication medications Nervous system transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation TENS trigger point injections acupuncture nerve trigger points lidocaine endorphins physical therapy relaxation training biofeedback counseling special procedure procedures nerves} $Volume{P-2,R-1} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. What Are the Hopes for a Person With Chronic Pain? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: What are the hopes for a person who has suffered with chronic pain for so many years now that just looking at another pill is more than I can bear? Even my precious physician is running out of combinations of medications to take and is willing to listen to any suggestions. In fact he suggested that I write to you. Will you please help? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Although each person handles pain in a different manner, it is clear from your letter that you and your physician have fought the good fight and it is now time to consider possibilities other than just medications. And there is an impressive array of techniques for you to consider, all with records of some success in some people. Depending upon the nature and cause of your pains, you might consider transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), trigger point injections, acupuncture and nerve blocks to mention but a few. TENS is known to be quite useful for short term relief of acute pain, but can be helpful in cases of tension neuralgia and people with multiple peripheral nerve injuries. It is an electrical stimulation that diminishes pain signals and requires an experienced technician to help you, for there is a bit of trial and error in determining frequency of the current and placement of electrodes for best results. When there are well localized points of pain or "trigger points", destroying the spot of degenerated muscle tissue that is causing the pain with a hypodermic needle can bring relief. Several insertions of the needle may be necessary, and the use of lidocaine may reduce the pain caused by the procedure. Acupuncture may offer temporary relief, possibly by increasing the level of endorphins (naturally occurring pain killing chemicals) in the blood. In addition, behavior modification techniques, physical therapy, relaxation training, biofeedback and family and vocational counseling all provide other avenues of therapy to deal with the trials of chronic pain. There are now more than 450 chronic pain treatment clinics in this country, many of which use a multidisciplinary approach which provides trained individuals in the areas mentioned above. It may be time now for you and your physician to search out one of the specialized care centers in your area, to obtain a new approach for your pain problem. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.