$Unique_ID{BRK00941} $Pretitle{} $Title{Is There a Good Shampoo for a Child With Dandruff?} $Subject{dermatitis dandruff child care kid kids children eczema Skin scalp hair atopic tinea capitis ringworm psoriasis} $Volume{S-20} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Is There a Good Shampoo for a Child With Dandruff? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Can you imagine a child of only four years of age developing dandruff? Well, our son has it and we are not able to stop it with his normal baby shampoos. Could you please recommend a good shampoo we could use that's safe for a child his age, and that doesn't need a prescription? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Let's slow down for a moment here. While I can understand the desire to save the cost of a doctor's visit, the presence of ugly flakes in a child's hair may not be as simple to treat as might wish. A good diagnosis is the first requirement for any treatment, including an appropriate shampoo, which must be chosen with the exact knowledge of the problem. The two most common causes of dandruff in a child are eczema (atopic dermatitis) followed in frequency by tinea capitis (ringworm of the scalp). They are quite different in nature and symptoms. While the eczema can provoke a great deal of itching, the ringworm can cause hair loss. The ringworm can be detected through a microscopic examination and culture of some scales scraped from the scalp, but medication useful for removing the infection will have no effect on dandruff resulting from eczema. Since psoriasis can also affect young people, producing scales as well, there is a real need for an accurate diagnosis here and the possibility that only prescription medications will help solve your problem. Sorry, but I think a visit to your physician is called for. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.