$Unique_ID{BRK00937} $Pretitle{} $Title{Infiltrating Inflammatory Carcinoma} $Subject{cancers infiltrating inflammatory carcinoma neoplasm neoplasms Cancer Information Service National Institute American Society resource resources chemotherapy} $Volume{B-0} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Infiltrating Inflammatory Carcinoma ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I am a 30 year old mother of two beautiful children. I have been diagnosed with "infiltrating inflammatory carcinoma". After 4 chemotherapy treatments I seem to be resistant, and unless something changes, have been told by my doctor that I have a zero chance to live, and less than a year at that. I promised my daughter I wouldn't die on her. Although I have a good doctor who assures me that I couldn't get better treatment anywhere else, I wondered if you knew of any clinic or experimental work that might be dealing with my type of cancer? I have a good attitude and have put myself in God's hands, but am still desperately searching. Any help would be appreciated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: And search we must, in the never ending hope that we can find something that may change the course of your disease. Your confidence in your physician is encouraging, as he would represent your link with any new treatment possibilities that may exist. I am sure that he has reviewed all the latest medical literature to remain up to date with changing patterns of chemotherapy in cancers such as your. However, since it's sometimes impossible to keep up with all the latest articles, a computerized search of all the latest scientific literature is indicated to uncover even the remotest possibility of help. I am sure he will oblige. Your personal search begins with the Cancer Information Service of the National Cancer Institute (Blair Bldg, Room 414, 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20892; Tel.#: 800-4-CANCER). Your story will certainly motivate the good people at this center to help uncover the latest news for you. You must also contact the American Cancer Society, either your local chapter or their National Headquarters, 3340 Peachtree Drive NE, Atlanta, GA 30326 (Tel.#: 800-ACS-2345). Every lead you obtain must be followed to the last turn, and your physician will help as an active collaborator and advisor to avoid those paths, more obvious to him, that may not be productive. Last but not least, I am publishing your letter in the hope that I may receive leads which could be helpful, and which I will pass on to you. With these activities, and the prayers of all, we will help you in your fight. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.