$Unique_ID{BRK00922} $Pretitle{} $Title{Which Painkiller Should One Take When Pains and Aches Get Out of Hand?} $Subject{painkiller analgesics types Community Social medication medications over the counter medicine medicines aspirin acetaminophen ibuprofen reduce muscle aches headaches toothaches arthritis Bayer St Joseph Bufferin Tylenol Anacin 3 Panadol nonaspirin headache flu muscle strain swelling prostaglandin inhibitor Nuprin Mediprin Advil Motrin} $Volume{Q-0, R-0} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Which Painkiller Should One Take When Pains and Aches Get Out of Hand? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I am totally confused by all the different brands of painkillers on the market and their advertising claims. They can't all be the best one, yet that is what they seem to say. Can you tell me which one I should take when my pains and aches get out of hand? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: I am mixed up sometimes too, and I am supposed to know the differences that exist between the different pain preparations available over the counter without prescription. It becomes a bit simpler, however, when you realize that all the different names and claims concern only three basic medications; aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Aspirin (principle ingredient is acetylsalicylic acid), known as Bayer, St. Joseph and Bufferin among others, has been with us the longest. It is a useful pain medication to reduce muscle aches, headaches and toothaches, is effective in controlling menstrual cramps, long used as a medication for arthritis, will help lower a fever, and has of late been recommend as a prevention of heart attacks (which it does by acting on blood platelets and reducing clot formation). However, it may cause stomach ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding. Acetaminophen is the active ingredient in Tylenol, Anacin 3, Panadol and other medications sometimes advertised as "nonaspirin" pain medications. It will relieve a headache, is useful in the flu season, help reduce a fever and ease a muscle strain, but it is not an anti-inflammatory drug and will not reduce a swelling. It is only of limited use for arthritis and when the cause of pain is due to the production of prostaglandins by the body (as in menstrual cramps), this product which is not a prostaglandin inhibitor, and will not work well. Ibuprofen is the latest kid on the block, and is the medication found in Nuprin, Mediprin, Advil and Motrin (by prescription only in higher doses). It is a potent antiprostaglandin and is effective not only for general aches and pains, but particularly useful for inflammatory situations such as and arthritis and severe muscle injuries and sprains. It can cause stomach irritation, and is best taken after meals or when the stomach is full. My best advice to you is to try a product, and stick to it if it works well for your problem. Switching around between similar products with different brand names is a waste of both time and money. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.