$Unique_ID{BRK00859} $Pretitle{} $Title{What Are the Causes and Reasons for Sinusitis?} $Subject{sinusitis inflammation infection Respiratory paranasal sinus sinuses cavities nose flare-up pressure discomfort pain fever breathing blocked headaches discharge dizziness weakness radiography ultrasound x-ray ampicillin amoxicillin cefaclor Decongestants computed computer tomography trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole erythromycin headache infections} $Volume{H-6} $Log{ Where Headaches Originate I*0004001.scf Anatomy of the Nasal Cavities and Sinuses*0005501.scf Anatomy of the Sinuses*0005502.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. What Are the Causes and Reasons for Sinusitis? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: My sinuses are a never ending cause for concern, they just don't quit. But I still don't understand the causes and reasons for sinusitis. Please explain? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Sinusitis is an inflammation of one or more of the paranasal sinuses. The paranasal sinuses are cavities in the skull connected with the nasal passages. They are arranged in four pairs with members of each pair on the right and left side of the head. Doctors are not 100% sure of the functions of the sinuses. They are thought to help the nose to circulate, warm and moisten air as it is inhaled. Therefore, the lungs do not get a shock as cold or dry air is inhaled. The sinuses also play a minor role in voice production, as they are believed to act as resonating chambers. Sinusitis often occurs during an upper respiratory infection. Sometimes excessive or strong nose blowing may cause the infection to spread from the nose to the sinuses. There are, however, many, many other causes of sinusitis, which is why it is such a tricky, annoying problem. Some of the factors which trigger sinus troubles are allergies, infectious diseases, such as pneumonia or the measles, air pollution, diving and underwater swimming, sudden extreme changes of temperature, structural defects of the nose, or a complication from a tooth infection. When you have a sinusitis flare-up, you may feel pressure on the sinus walls, which in turn causes discomfort, pain, fever, and difficulty with breathing. This happens because the mucous membranes of the sinus are inflamed, and the openings of the sinus cavities become partially or fully blocked. The blockage often causes headaches and may lead to nasal discharge. Sinus sufferers also complain of dizziness, weakness and general discomfort. People suffering from these symptoms should certainly seek a doctor's help. A physician can use many diagnostic tools to confirm sinusitis, including radiography, ultrasound, multiple x-ray exposures, and computed tomography. Most cases of acute sinusitis will respond to antibiotics. The most commonly prescribed being ampicillin, amoxicillin, cefaclor, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and erythromycin. If this treatment is unsuccessful, your doctor should do further testing with x-rays to determine whether your case of sinusitis is infectious, allergic, or caused by another factor. Decongestants may also help the sinusitis patient by helping to increase drainage. Discomfort can be relieved through inhalation of steam or warm moist air. If you've been suffering with sinus problems for a long period of time, you may be one of those unfortunate people with chronic sinusitis. This condition occurs when the mucous membranes in the sinuses thicken and normal drainage becomes obstructed. If the previously mentioned treatments don't clear up the problem, surgery may be necessary. Since the sinuses are close to the ears and brain, it is important to treat sinusitis aggressively to minimize the risk of spreading the infection to those organs. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.