$Unique_ID{BRK00857} $Pretitle{} $Title{Why Does Aging Reduce a Man's Potency?} $Subject{sex potency age aging old elderly geriatric Genitourinary behavior behaviors psychological erection semen erections decreased libido impotence penis impotent potent} $Volume{J-23,T-15} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Why Does Aging Reduce a Man's Potency? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I am nearing fifty and find myself worrying about my ability to perform sexually as I get older. Why does aging reduce a man's potency? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: First of all, one's sexuality is largely a psychological issue; the better you feel about yourself, the more you'll enjoy sex. If you see yourself as aging and growing impotent, you're starting off with two strikes against yourself. There are physiologic changes to deal with as part of aging, but none of these mean an end to sexual activity. There's usually a gradual decline in the frequency of sex, but this is tied to a number of factors, including general health, educational level and social status, overall life satisfaction and sexual experience. The time needed to achieve an erection does increase with aging, while the amount of semen and the force with which it is ejaculated is reduced. Other effects of aging include a rapid loss of erection and a longer wait until the next erection. Statistically, impotence occurs in 25% of men at age 65, and half of men aged 75. Endocrine disorders are rarely responsible, but should be considered. Psychologically, a decreased libido can lead to a sudden onset of impotence, and is associated with stress, depression or chronic illness. Vascular disorders or insufficient circulation (a common symptom of aging) may also be at fault while a variety of drugs and medications are known to cause the condition. Neurological causes, diseases affecting the penis directly, and a variety of miscellaneous conditions can also lead to impotence. However, an active sex life so far is the main guarantee for sexual satisfaction in the future. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.