$Unique_ID{BRK00856} $Pretitle{} $Title{Is There Any Treatment Available in the Event of Radiation Poisoning?} $Subject{radiation exposure Community Social Accidents accident radioactive Poisoning exposure blood cell counts cells nausea hair loss birth defects cancer cancers leukemia bone marrow Antibiotics transfusions germ-free environment transplants Direct contamination} $Volume{Q-0,O-0} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Is There Any Treatment Available in the Event of Radiation Poisoning? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I have become most apprehensive about the fact that there is a nuclear energy plant some 30 miles from our home. I am very upset at the thought that my family might be endangered by an accident there. Is there any treatment or medication available in the event of radiation poisoning? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Exposure to high-energy radiation, while definitely a hazard of our times, is highly unlikely for anyone not directly working with or near nuclear materials. (Radioactive isotopes used in medical research and testing are far less dangerous, and do not subject on to the risks discussed here.) Limited exposure to radiation can result in lowered red and white blood cell counts, temporary nausea or hair loss, and for a few months afterwards, the possibility of congenital birth defects in children fathered by exposed men; on a strictly statistical basis, one's chance of contracting cancer or leukemia later in life increases slightly. A larger dose poses more immediate risks, particularly to the body's blood supply and bone marrow. Antibiotics, transfusions and a filtered, germ-free environment can bring a situation back under control; in more severe cases, bone marrow transplants may be required to save a victim's life. Direct contamination with radioactive material is a far more serious hazard: the victim suffers the effects of ongoing exposure and becomes a source of radiation endangering those attempting to provide treatment. The situation requires medical personnel to wear protective clothing and breathing devices, and to keep careful track of exposure levels and decontamination procedures. Certain isotopes like Iodine 131 can prevent organs in the body (such as the thyroid gland) from absorbing radiation. However, until our society finds a way to live without nuclear weapons or nuclear power, we will have to continue to search for better means of dealing with the risks inherent in this technology. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.