$Unique_ID{BRK00855} $Pretitle{} $Title{What Causes an Itchy "Backside" and How Do You Deal With It?} $Subject{skin itch itching anus pruritus ani anal inflammation} $Volume{L-13} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. What Causes an Itchy "Backside" and How Do You Deal With It? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Please help me, and explain a few things about my most embarrassing problem. What causes an itchy "backside" and how do you deal with it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: There are many possible causes of "pruritus ani", the medical name for your problem, which is a skin condition involving the inflammation of the anal area. It can be a frustrating affliction that is only exacerbated by the scratching its sufferers turn to as relief of the maddening itch, but is actually a common problem which may often be caused by inadequate wiping or cleansing the anal area after defecation. In the same way that babies contract diaper rash, so adults can contract pruritus ani--both afflictions work on the same principle. In the case of pruritus ani, inadequate wiping may not remove all fecal material from the anal area, where it may settle into the folds surrounding the anus. It doesn't take long for this material to irritate the area and cause great discomfort. Vigorous scratching and wiping only serves to worsen the condition, and grease-based over-the-counter medications do not provide much relief. Dealing with pruritus ani in a way that bids it good-bye is straight forward. Keep the area clean by bathing often, as many times per day as is practicable, especially after defecating. A soft, wet cloth (no soap) or a moist towelette when away from home will work well. Avoid scratching and vigorous wiping. Wear loose clothing as much as possible avoiding synthetics to aid in keeping the area dry without irritation. Try changing your toilet tissue, which might just contain material that could be provoking an allergic reaction. If these simple measures don't do the job, you had better obtain a professional consultation for a diagnosis. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.