$Unique_ID{BRK00824} $Pretitle{} $Title{Is a Hip Replacement Operation a Good Idea for Terrible Arthritis?} $Subject{hip replacement surgery surgeries operation operations arthritis hips Musculoskeletal Connective Tissue joint joints Special Procedures procedure Total hip arthroplasty THA surgical intertrochanteric osteotomy IO Hip fusion replacements} $Volume{P-17} $Log{ Osteoarthritis of the Hip*0004402.scf Cemented Metal Hip Replacement*0004403.scf Noncemented Porous Hip Replacement*0004404.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Is a Hip Replacement Operation a Good Idea for Terrible Arthritis? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Can you tell me if you think a hip replacement operation is a good idea for me? I have terrible arthritis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Arthritic hip disease is a serious medical condition, experienced as pain originating in the groin or buttock, and traveling down the anterior thigh to the knee. Total hip arthroplasty (THA) is one method for relieving this condition; it has become an accepted surgical practice in the U.S. today, with approximately 100,000 such procedures (in which prosthetic parts are attached via acrylic bone cement) performed annually. THA is not for everyone, and a decision on undertaking the procedure depends on factors such as your age, weight, employment, and emotional orientation. THA cannot make the hip function "like new," nor can it withstand excessive stress. Those whose work or hobbies require them to be physically active may prefer to endure a certain degree of pain in order to continue their chosen lifestyles. THA is the best bet for elderly patients experiencing the end stages of hip disease. Younger patients may be better off postponing THA, particularly since cementless procedures (less prone to separation and more long-lasting) are currently being explored. An older procedure, known as intertrochanteric osteotomy, or IO, may also be preferable for younger hip disease victims, particularly those under 45. Hip fusion is another alternative for younger, male patients, often used as a temporary measure to postpone THA until a later date. Since you didn't tell me too much about yourself, I will leave it to you, and your doctor, to decide if this procedure will improve your life. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.