$Unique_ID{BRK00823} $Pretitle{} $Title{Is it Possible That a Youngster Can Have Hypertension?} $Subject{blood pressure pressures child care Hypertension children secondary cause causes kidney central nervous system endocrine vascular disorders diet exercise antihypertensive drugs inherited hereditary genetic} $Volume{S-4} $Log{ Anatomy of Blood Pressure*0009501.scf Causative Factors of Hypertension*0009601.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Is it Possible That a Youngster Can Have Hypertension? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Is it possible that my youngster, age 9, can have hypertension? He was found to have high blood pressure on a recent physical. If so, can he be treated? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Hypertension can occur in children. When it does, the cases generally are mild and, frequently, are found in families with histories of hypertension plus excess body weight. Treatment usually begins with the physician taking your child's medical history, giving a thorough physical examination and obtaining an understanding of the family's medical history. Such information enables a doctor to determine if your youngster suffers from some other disorder or from secondary hypertension. The latter is much more common in children than in adults. Secondary hypertension is caused by, or is associated with, a variety of diseases such as kidney, central nervous system, endocrine and/or vascular disorders. When such secondary diseases are cured--by a course of therapy under your doctor's supervision--the child's high blood pressure usually returns to normal. Doctors have observed that secondary causes for hypertension usually occur in their youngest patients who experience the highest blood pressures. Because of today's readily available blood pressure measurements, mild hypertension is being discovered in children much more frequently than was previously thought. When doctors treat it, their goal is to reduce blood pressure without producing side effects that could interfere with your youngster's normal growth and development. Mild, or borderline, blood pressure is usually treated by diet modification for weight control and an exercise program. Your child's physician may prescribe antihypertensive drugs to prevent possible damage to blood vessels and/or other organs. Frequently very small dosages are given and, if necessary, are slowly increased. Once weight control and increased exercise become routine, the goal is to reduce and, hopefully, withdraw medication if your child's blood pressure remains in an acceptable range. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.