$Unique_ID{BRK00811} $Pretitle{} $Title{Ear Tubes for Recurrent Ear Problems} $Subject{ears infection infections tubes special procedure procedures Sense senses Tympanotomy middle ear ventilation outpatient surgical surgery surgeries operation operations discharge} $Volume{P-21} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Ear Tubes for Recurrent Ear Problems ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: My young son has had recurrent ear problems. The ear infections don't seem to respond well to medications. My doctor says he wants to insert tubes in my son's ears. Can you tell me about these tubes? What are the side effects? Will my son still be able to participate in sports activities with the tubes in place? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Tympanotomy tubes are used when middle ear infections fail to respond to treatment within a few weeks. Many physicians suggest tubes may be warranted after other therapies have failed. Tubes may also be necessary if in addition to an ear infection, the child is suffering from meningitis, an inflammation behind the ear, or any other intracranial complication. The ventilation tubes are inserted during an outpatient surgical procedure, so you won't need hospitalization in most cases. In almost all cases, the tubes result in immediate hearing improvement for the child. This benefits the youngster in educational and language development, and in the school age child can make for a more successful school year. For most children, there are no restrictions concerning participation in sports after the tubes are in place. Swimming rarely poses any danger to the child, unless he or she swims in contaminated water. Pool water and clean lake water are usually perfectly safe, but heed your personal physician's advice. There are some side effects with tube usage. One to three percent of children experience chronic discharge from the ear when the tubes are in place. Sometimes the tubes are spontaneously pushed out of the ears. And some doctors feel there is the possibility of adhesions of the inner ear membranes when the tubes have to be replaced more than once. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.