$Unique_ID{BRK00788} $Pretitle{} $Title{How Can You be Sure That Child Abuse is Going On?} $Subject{child abuse teacher Community Social behavior behaviors physically emotionally sexually physical signs bruises welts burns scratches blackened eyes psychological withdrawn nervous poor image lacks trust hungry inadequately clothed unwashed unkempt Dysfunctional Sexual provocatively sexually explicit knowledgeable children care kids kid} $Volume{Q-23,S-23} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. How Can You be Sure That Child Abuse is Going On? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: It is hard not to become involved particularly when you are a teacher involved with children each day and you suspect something is not right. How can you be sure that there is a case of child abuse going on right under your eyes, and don't wish to falsely accuse anyone of a crime? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Teachers are in an ideal position to observe the differences in the appearance and behavior of pupils suffering from child abuse. Despite recent backlash against overzealous reporting due to occasional false reports, the fact remains that over one million children each year in the United States are abused physically, emotionally and sexually. And teachers can do much to help prevent this human tragedy and stop further injury or death by judicious intervention when warranted. Because you suspect child abuse you must have a reason or evidence. Visible physical signs, such as bruises, welts, burns, scratches, blackened eyes, etc., if they occur often or are severe, should make you suspicious. Sometimes children get hurt while playing, but not every day or week or even month. Besides, physical abuse leaves telltale evidence on the skin from either the implement used (whip marks, cigarette burns) or the person who inflicted the wounds (bite marks, hand imprints). This evidence, if overwhelming and conclusive, should be reported without delay to the school nurse or physician, because the child's life may be in danger. But if still unsure then tactfully take the child aside and carefully inquire how the injury occurred. This should help confirm or refute your suspicions, or it may signal the need for continued observation or further evaluation by other professionals. Emotional or psychological abuse may require more expertise and time to detect. And you might find that the same student is being abused both physically and emotionally. Comparing the student's appearance, behavior and interactions with fellow students and adults will give you an indication of whether he is withdrawn, nervous, has a poor image of himself, lacks trust in others, etc. A child who often comes to school hungry, inadequately clothed, unwashed and unkempt clearly suffers from neglect that borders on emotional abuse. Check the child's eyes. If they are red and swollen, the result of prolonged crying, you may have your first important clue. Take the child aside and ask some simple questions about home-life which may result in important and revealing responses. Dysfunctional families often call their children derogatory names ("Dum-Dum"), and blame their children for everything that goes wrong. The children believe that they are always at fault and deserve to be blamed. When in doubt, you can get a good idea of how the child relates to its parents and their opinion of their child during a parent-teacher conference without being confrontational. Sexual abuse is probably the most difficult to detect. If the child behaves provocatively, is more sexually explicit or knowledgeable than his peers, this may indicate need for further observation and evaluation. In the same fashion, withdrawal from usual boy-girl relationships, normal for the age group, may be another clue. The key is to approach all suspected child abuse tactfully and with discretion because lives are at stake. But once you are sure any form of child abuse exists, then you are duty bound to report it confidentially, for the good of all concerned. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.