$Unique_ID{BRK00780} $Pretitle{} $Title{Is Pleurisy Like a Cold or a Condition That Stays With You?} $Subject{pleurisy Respiratory pleura membrane lungs lung inflamed swollen fibrinous exudate Pleural effusions infection trauma infections tuberculosis uremia asbestos} $Volume{H-5} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Is Pleurisy Like a Cold or a Condition That Stays With You? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: My mother had severe chest pains recently that turned out to be pleurisy. Can you fill me in on this condition or infection? I would like to know if it's like a cold that can be cured or if it's more like a condition that stays with you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: The pleura is a membrane like tissue that covers the lungs, and also lines the inside of the chest cavity in which the lungs are found. Between these two sheets of tissue is a space, normally closed, as the lungs fill and move against the chest wall. However in certain circumstances the pleura becomes inflamed, becoming swollen and congested, and produces a thick, liquid like substance (called a fibrinous exudate) that begins to fill this space. This fluid is sticky and can cause the tissue that covers the lungs to adhere or become fixed to the lining of the chest wall. That forms an adhesion, and causes the pain as the lung moves to and fro as the patient breathes. Pleural effusions occur when the pleura is injured, usually as a result of a lung infection, or some type of trauma, but can also be caused by tuberculosis, uremia, or even asbestos. The pain of pleurisy usually comes on quite suddenly, and can range from a mild discomfort to a stabbing pain. It is made worse by deep breathing and coughing. When the physician examines the chest with a stethoscope, the sound of rubbing can be heard, and helps to make the diagnosis. Chest x-rays may be of some help in confirming the diagnosis, particularly when there is a quantity of liquid present. The treatment of pleurisy depends upon its cause, and may include antibiotics and pain medications. Chest pain can be relieved in some cases by wrapping the entire chest with wide elastic bandages, which provides support to the wall of the chest and reduces the movement it makes during breathing. Pleurisy may take a while to heal, but it usually does with the proper treatment, leaving but a small scar on the pleura to mark where the injury occurred. Thus it is not a condition which stays with you, and your mother can look forward to a normal existence without pain. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.