$Unique_ID{BRK00757} $Pretitle{} $Title{Advice for a Constantly Itchy Skin} $Subject{itch pruritus Skin Subcutaneous Tissue Ill Defined Symptoms symptom allergies allergy parasite parasites internal disease dry humidifier lukewarm shower moisturizing body lotion} $Volume{L-20, N-20} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Advice for a Constantly Itchy Skin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I am annoyed by a constantly itchy skin, that sometimes drives me to distraction. I am a clean person, and am sure there are no critters causing my problem, but there must be some advice you can offer me to reduce my torment, and make life livable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: I am sure you are a meticulous person, but since there are many causes to a persistent itch, it still may be worth while for you to have a check up to try to determine some physical cause. Doctors label an itch like this with the term "pruritus", and know it may be caused not only by "critters" but by allergies, parasites and both skin and internal diseases, but a dry skin is the most common reason. However, there are a few tips I can offer you that can help reduce the problem, no matter the cause. If dry skin is the main problem, maintaining a healthy level of moisture in your home will help, particularly if you live in warm, dry climates, or in a heated apartment in winter. A humidifier will be of great comfort. Reduce your bathing habits, as frequent showering with harsh soap can aggravate the condition, as can the use of water that is too hot. A lukewarm shower, followed by the application of a moisturizing body lotion is indicated. Stay away from tight fitting clothes and cotton fabrics may be kinder to your skin than wool or synthetics. Dry your skin with pats of your towel, instead of vigorous rubbing. Although it may seem impossible to fight the urge to scratch, realize that you can injure your already delicate skin if you do scratch hard with jagged or roughened fingernails. Last, but sometimes the most effective measure, is to change your laundry detergent to a mild soap, that is less likely to cause irritation, and to assure that all laundered clothes are well rinsed. These are all effective actions you may try for yourself, but a physician's diagnosis and available medical treatments may result in completely ridding yourself of this raging itch. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.