$Unique_ID{BRK00741} $Pretitle{} $Title{Using Eye Drops Too Frequently} $Subject{eye drops drop abuse treatment treatments eyes Sense senses lubricating solution} $Volume{R-21} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Using Eye Drops Too Frequently ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Is there such a thing as using eye drops too frequently? There is this guy in my office who is continuously popping drops into his eyes, and I am sure he can be doing himself a great deal of harm. I wish I knew more, so that I could warn him about the dangers of his actions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: It is hard to be sure from your letter, but I must assume that these drops are the nonprescription or over-the-counter type. I must believe that if they were prescription medications, containing active ingredients necessary to correct a medical situation, that his personal physician would be instructing him as to the correct use and frequency of instilling these drops in his eyes. Such medications would be needed to treat glaucoma, infections, allergic irritations and a host of other conditions, and would be most important for your co-worker's health. Over-the-counter drops are used for quite different purposes, most often as a simple lubricating solution to help calm irritated eyes. Contact lens users help keep their corrective prescriptions moist and clear, and may feel the need to do so more frequently in dry environments such as heated offices or apartments, where there is less natural moisture in the air. Some nonprescription eye drops contain a decongestant which constricts the blood vessels in the eye, and "helps get the red out". They too are harmless, provided they are used as directed, and not excessively. However, any chemical in these solutions can provoke an allergic reaction, creating the very situation of reddened eyes they were formulated to control. Frankly, I don't think your co-worker is in much danger, but perhaps you would feel better if you found out just why he seemed to need these drops so frequently. Why not just ask him? ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.