$Unique_ID{BRK00729} $Pretitle{} $Title{Does a Cataract Mean a Tumor?} $Subject{eyes cataract special procedure procedures Sense senses eye cloudy vision sight fogging over surgery surgeries operation operations artificial intraocular lens IOL surgical cataracts} $Volume{F-21,P-21} $Log{ Cataracts*0003100.tid Normal vs. Cataracted Eyes*0003101.scf Blurred Retinal Image*0003102.scf Clear vs. Cloudy Vision*0003103.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Does a Cataract Mean a Tumor? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: When a person develops a cataract in their eye, does this mean that they have grown a tumor that is blocking their vision? How does this tumor spread to the other eye? I suppose that these conditions can easily be destroyed using the new laser guns, but I can't find a doctor to do it for me. Can you help? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: I suppose the best way I can help you is to explain the nature of a cataract and the operation that removes it, for you have a great many misconceptions about the condition. However, your ideas are expressed in many other letters, so you are not alone in your ideas. A cataract is not a tumor, in fact not a growth of any kind. The lens of the eye, normally as transparent as clear glass, begins to grow cloudy, fogging over and preventing the light from the images in our world, to pass through the lens and strike the back of the eye (retina) where the light can be transformed into electrical impulses that pass on to the brain. And cataracts do not spread from one eye to the next, since they do not result from a process of infection either. Rather both eyes may develop the same condition at about the same time, usually gradually over a long period of time. When too much of the lens becomes affected and vision is diminished partially or completely, the opaque lens may be removed, but lasers are not used in this type of surgery. Once the cloudy lens is removed sight is restored, and the use of special glasses can bring vision back to near normal. Contact lenses may sometimes be used as well. In some cases the surgeon will position a new, artificial lens (intraocular lens or IOL) to replace the damaged one that was removed. Your eye doctor can help you chose the right combination of surgical procedure and corrective lenses to suit your personal style of living, and restore to you the precious gift of sight. Over 90% of people who go through these procedures regain useful vision. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.