$Unique_ID{BRK00725} $Pretitle{} $Title{A Terrible Problem With Sweating and Body Odor} $Subject{sweating odor stress Skin sweat gland glands perspiration hyperhidrosis palms soles axilla armpit infection fever endocrine offensive odor bromhidrosis bacteria yeasts thyroid nervous chlorhexidine aluminum chlorhydrox infections} $Volume{L-22} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. A Terrible Problem With Sweating and Body Odor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I have a terrible problem with sweating, and the resulting body odor that it brings. As a result I tend to shun social gatherings and keep to myself. But there must be a better way. Can you at least give a name to my problem so that I can seek help? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: the medical name applied to excessive perspiration due to overactive of the sweat glands is "hyperhidrosis". While it may occur over the entire body, it frequently is restricted to the palms, soles, axilla (armpit), beneath the breasts or the groin. It may occur when there is a skin infection, as a reaction to heat, either in your surroundings or when you have a fever, or as a result of an endocrine problem (overactive thyroid, for one) or a disorder in the central nervous system. Wets palms and soles may be the result of nervous tension and anxiety, and can happen to anyone under stress. In many cases excessive localized perspiration can occur in otherwise normal individuals without any cause that can be discovered. When the problem also presents with a heavy, offensive odor, it is called "bromhidrosis", where the bad smell is caused the decomposition of the sweat and other cellular debris by bacteria and yeasts. The best results of treatment occur when an underlying cause can be identified and remedied. While deodorants may help mask the odor by reducing bacterial growth, they do not reduce perspiration. Antiperspirants, particularly those that contain aluminum chloride hexadrate, can be quite effective in reducing perspiration flow, as well as preventing bacterial action. For those affected by odor, scrupulous cleanliness is an absolute. A liquid soap containing chlorhexidine is helpful when combined with aluminum chlorhydrox complex preparations. Shaving the axillary hair is indicated, and when all else fails, surgical removal of the glands may be necessary. However, it would all be worth it if it enables you to return to a normal, socially active existence, without fear of upturned eyes and rejection. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.