$Unique_ID{BRK00722} $Pretitle{} $Title{Is Anemia a Part of Getting Old?} $Subject{anemia aging hemoglobin Blood lifestyle lifestyles older age aged elder elderly old geriatric iron metabolism vitamin intake} $Volume{T-7, D-23} $Log{ Anemia*0009200.tid What is Anemia?*0009201.scf Symptoms of Anemia*0009202.scf Dietary Cause of Anemia*0009203.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Is Anemia a Part of Getting Old? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Although I have passed my 75th year, I still wish to keep my health as perfect as possible. When I last visited my doctor he told me that I was slightly anemic, but that testing for the cause was not necessary. Does this mean that my anemia is a part of getting old, and nothing to worry about? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: I wish I had an exact answer for your question, and suspect that many physicians would too. There is quite a bit of controversy about anemia in older people. Some researchers believe that there is evidence that anemia is a normal part of aging, and that the standards used to measure normal levels of hemoglobin in younger people should be reduced for evaluating older patients. Others feel that though anemia of some degree is very common in older people, it should not be considered as a part of the aging process. They believe that all causes of anemia should be carefully sought, and proper treatment prescribed. Anemia may be the result of many chronic diseases, as well as poor nutrition. However, intensive testing for specific causes in people with a low grade anemia rarely provides a clear cut answer that identifies a specific cause. I think your doctor knew that when he told you the tests were unnecessary. We consider your anemia to be low grade if the hemoglobin is higher than 14 g/dL for men, and 12 g/dL for women. You would be at high risk if the level was below 12 g/dL for men and 10 g/dL for women. Most often the anemia is not the result of a single factor, but rather the effect of several which combine to lower the hemoglobin. By correcting the diet, paying attention to iron metabolism and vitamin intake, and treating any chronic disease, the levels of hemoglobin may be adjusted upward. Whether or not we can accurately lay the blame of anemia on aging, your physician's reassuring statement not to worry was certainly in order. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.