$Unique_ID{BRK00702} $Pretitle{} $Title{Claims of Vegetarian Diet to Lower Blood Pressure} $Subject{vegetarian diet blood pressure Circulatory hypertension cholesterol diets food foods nutrition lipids} $Volume{G-26} $Log{ Anatomy of Blood Pressure*0009501.scf Causative Factors of Hypertension*0009601.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Claims of Vegetarian Diet to Lower Blood Pressure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I have watched some of the difficulties which my friend must overcome to maintain her strictly vegetarian diet. She looks wonderful, but I doubt that I could emulate her discipline, although she claims I could lower my blood pressure if I did. Is there any evidence to back up her statement? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: There are many factors which act upon the level of our blood pressure, and some of them concern the foods we eat as well. It makes clinical trials that look at the effect of diet upon blood pressure pretty hard to conduct, and even more difficult to evaluate. To be sure that a vegetarian diet was the cause of the lowered blood pressure, two almost identical groups would have to be studied, that restricted alcohol, tobacco, and other stimulants, one group having an otherwise unrestricted diet, and one group being vegetarian. Studies of groups of Mormons (who eat meat) and Seventh Day Adventist vegetarians have provided some interesting statistics, since the vegetarians did live longer, and their blood pressure findings were lower. That leaves us with a general opinion that such a diet is beneficial, but without specific answers as to what part of the diet may be responsible. Lactovegetarians, who supplement their diet with dairy products, also appear to have lower blood pressures. This may be due to their lower levels of weight and healthier levels of cholesterol and other fatty-like materials (lipids) in their blood. You could probably lower an elevated blood pressure with a simple salt restricted weight reduction diet as well, particularly if you added a regular dose of exercise. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.