$Unique_ID{BRK00664} $Pretitle{} $Title{Can Men Can Get Hot Flashes?} $Subject{male menopause genitourinary hormone hormones hot flashes testicle sweating heart palpitations fainting flushed face neck chest hernia hernias} $Volume{J-22} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Can Men Can Get Hot Flashes? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: There are times when I know that I am going through a change of life similar to the one my wife experienced. She just laughs and says that men can't get hot flashes any more than they can have babies. I maintain that men can get hot flashes too. What do you say? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: They most certainly can. In both men and women hot flashes are caused by the decreased production of sex hormones. In women, hot flashes are controlled most often by the biological clock and begin when menopause sets in. In men, however, the biological clock does not play as much of a role. Hot flashes usually occur in men who have had a testicle removed, usually because of cancer. A report published in the Western Journal of Medicine said many men mistake the symptoms of hot flashes for those of heart attacks. The symptoms of hot flashes are intense sweating, heart palpitations, fainting spells, and a flushed color for the face, neck and chest. These are the same symptoms as women get, only women experience them in greater numbers than men. Typically men who experience hot flashes are middle-aged or older. Since this same group of men is at highest risk of heart attack, doctors should ask possible heart attack victims if they've ever had a testicle removed or had many hernia operations, which also can lead to hot flashes. Such an inquiry at the initial stages of treatment could help prevent a possible misdiagnoses. This may not be the cause of your particular episodes, but it seems likely to me that it is reasonable to believe that your experiences, while not as common as in women, may be experienced by many men, in modified forms. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.