$Unique_ID{BRK00660} $Pretitle{} $Title{Does Massage do Anything to Improve Athletic Performance?} $Subject{massage massages exercise Special Procedures procedure behavior behaviors lifestyle lifestyles movement blood nutrients warming eliminating metabolic wastes tendons circulation flexibility} $Volume{P-23} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Does Massage do Anything to Improve Athletic Performance? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: One of my tennis partners insists that the reason he regularly wins is that he indulges in frequent massages. This, he claims, gives him the edge he needs to beat me. My question to you: does massage do anything to improve athletic performance? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: This is a question that's being debated right now by the medical community. Some physicians are skeptical that massage has any real benefits for athletes other than psychological. Recently, however, more doctors are becoming proponents of massage, saying it has therapeutic value, but they must all stop short of saying it enhances athletic performance, since this has not yet been proven to everyone's complete satisfaction. Therapeutic benefits of massage include improving movement of blood and nutrients, warming the skin, more rapidly eliminating metabolic wastes, and stretching tendons, thereby increasing flexibility. When circulation is enhanced, it helps to promote healing of strained muscles. When done correctly, massage can help relax a strained muscle, and it can break down adhesions in an old injury. Some athletes say a good massage reduces recovery time between competitions. Recently more athletes are turning to massage. Massage therapists regularly turn out for most major Marathons, and the U.S. Olympic Committee made massage therapists available to the American athletes in the Los Angeles Olympic Games. The important thing to remember, though, if you are injured, is that a massage will not cure your injury, and a visit to a doctor might be in order. As to improving your tennis game, well, you will just have to test that out for yourself. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.