$Unique_ID{BRK00588} $Pretitle{} $Title{Mixed Up Medication?} $Subject{medicine medicines pain medication medications tricyclic antidepressant antidepressants diabetic peripheral neuropathy} $Volume{R-0} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Mixed Up Medication? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I have a constant pain in my legs, and have used many types of pain killers, without too much effect. On my last visit, the doctor gave me a new medication, and assured me it would help, and I do feel better. However, when one of my friends saw me taking the pills, he showed me that he was taking the same thing for his nerves, to help make him less depressed. Something is mixed up here somewhere. Can you straighten us out? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: You don't give me too much to work with in your letter, but there is just enough for me to make a few realistic assumptions that may help explain the situation. To begin with, I don't think there is a mix-up anywhere, you are just both taking the same medication for two different situations, and it is a fine medication for both problems. The medication is most probably a "tricyclic antidepressant", and since there are a few such drugs available, it was just chance that you both were taking the same brand. This type of medication can be very effective in relieving some of the depressive states we find in medicine. While it may take a week or two for the medication to take effect, it is one that doctors have been using for some time, and the dosage can be altered so that the good effects are not marred by unwanted side effects. Recently we have learned that the same medication has the ability to relieve pain in some patients, whether or not they are depressed as well. One of the conditions it works particularly well for is the pain of "diabetic peripheral neuropathy", a nerve pain in the legs, for instance, seen in patients suffering from diabetes. And I'll bet that is what you have. As I see it, you are both doing well, and that is the main concern. Of course you know I don't think that comparing medications is always the wisest thing to do, and I am a real tiger when I hear of people sharing prescription medications without proper supervision. I hope you both continue to do well. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.