$Unique_ID{BRK00587} $Pretitle{} $Title{Aren't Heart Murmurs Signs of Serious Heart Disease?} $Subject{heart murmur aging age aged elder elderly geriatric old older Circulatory valves valve} $Volume{G-3} $Log{ Function of the Heart Valves*0004105.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Aren't Heart Murmurs Signs of Serious Heart Disease? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Though I have never been told before that I had a murmur of the heart, at age 78 my physician has now discovered one. He has been very careful in examining me and taking all types of tests, including a cardiogram, and now assures me that I have nothing to worry about. I thought that murmurs were signs of heart disease. Could it be my family physician is just being gentle with an older man? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Not at all; it sounds like he has taken all the steps necessary to satisfy both you and himself of the reasons which provoked the sounds he has detected. Heart murmurs are merely sounds produced by the flow of blood through the chambers of the heart, and around the valves of the heart which control the direction of blood flow. When the smooth flow is disturbed by changes in the structure of the heart or its valves, a turbulence is produced which generates the sound that can be heard through the stethoscope. Not every murmur is caused by a serious disease or pathology. Many can occur with the changes in the heart configuration that age brings on, and are not a cause for alarm. However, the reassurance that your family physician has offered you is not based upon chance or speculation, but the test results that can only be evaluated fully when a complete examination and history have been accomplished. The changes that affect the sounds your beating heart produces may occur in the lungs and chest wall as well as your heart, and may be affected by your posture. Some sounds can be more clearly heard when you are squatting, or standing, as well as deep inspiration and expiration. It is only when all possibilities have been explored and carefully considered that a physician may reassure the patient, as was the situation in your case. He isn't just being nice, he has been careful, concerned and professional as well. You can trust him. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.