$Unique_ID{BRK00582} $Pretitle{} $Title{Migraine and Diet} $Subject{migraines migraine headache headaches diet Ill Defined Symptoms symptom diets food foods} $Volume{N-26} $Log{ Classic Migraine Headaches*0003902.scf Common Migraine Headaches*0003903.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Migraine and Diet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I have had severe headaches for some time now, but only recently was the diagnosis of migraine made. Although I obtain much relief with medication, I want to reduce their frequency as much as possible. I've learned that for some people foods may provoke attacks, and would like your advice as to what foods I should avoid. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: The obvious answer is to avoid any food that you can relate to the start of a migraine episode. It takes a bit of thinking, and maintaining a note book or diary of the events which precede any attack may provide you with the clues you are looking for. Although the specific foods differ from person to person, there are some generally accepted types of food and drink which most experts counsel their patients to avoid. High on the list are alcoholic beverages, particularly red wines and champagne. Cheeses may get you in trouble, aged or strong or of the cheddar variety. Stay away from any cured meats, such as hot dogs, salami or bacon and ham, if you experience an attack after a meal that includes such products. Pickled herring and chicken livers also have a bad reputation. You can try black coffee as a beverage when an attack is beginning, if you are thirsty and not nauseous, as the caffeine may be helpful in fighting off the episode. Your best bet is to eat well balanced meals on a regular basis, avoiding fasting or consuming too much carbohydrate at any meal. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.