$Unique_ID{BRK00580} $Pretitle{} $Title{Lost Love} $Subject{love sadness medicine Community Social behavior behaviors lifestyle lifestyles} $Volume{Q-23} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Lost Love ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: After giving my boyfriend all there was of me and my love, he left without an explanation or even a good-bye. I am left feeling empty and worthless. I know I can get lots of advice from other columnists, but they are just words. Surely a doctor must have some medicine, some pill to help me through this terrible time? Won't you please help me? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: If I tell you that you are not alone, it is not because I am hoping that misery likes company, but to make you realize that everyone reading this column and your letter can remember a similar experience in their lives. We have all suffered the almost unbearable pain of losing the affections of a loved one in the manner you describe; yet look around, we are all still here, and the wounds have healed and become less painful, more bearable. You seek medication from me as if it could be a magic cure, and that is just not possible. I dread when my patients become dependent upon chemicals to blunt the normal emotions and feelings that are a part of daily living. It seems so easy to "pop a pill" and feel better, but the trap is there; and soon we use the same way out when an expected job promotion does not materialize, or when the term paper we labored so long on comes back with a "C" instead of the "A" we felt we deserved. Living these days takes just a bit of courage, and the firm belief that things do change and we can make them better if we work at it. I don't know how Ann Landers might handle your question, but I suspect she may share my feelings. You are far from worthless, and if you were here I'd give you a big hug, hoping that might rekindle your own self esteem, but the only medication I have to prescribe in your case is "Time". It has cured more cases like yours than all the pills on the Pharmacy shelf. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.