$Unique_ID{BRK00466} $Pretitle{} $Title{Foot Swelling During Air Travel} $Subject{swollen feet travel Circulatory blood flow vein veins joint joints feet hang down muscle pressure circulation walk elevated wiggle} $Volume{G-17} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Foot Swelling During Air Travel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Why do my feet swell when I travel by air? This scares me. I am 66, in good health otherwise. Will I get an embolism--or something awful? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Let me make a few assumptions. One, that this only occurs when you fly, and that for two hours or more, and two, that you are truly in good health. By doing so I won't have to consider all the possibilities for swollen ankles and feet and thus provide you with a simple and easy to understand answer to your question. Air travel is not much fun anymore. It seems as though those cabins get more crowded all the time, and that we can barely find an opportunity to take a stroll, however brief, up and down the aisle. Too bad, for it would most certainly help solve your problem. But once you get settled in your seat, you are "planted" for the duration. Your feet hang down, the seat places pressure on under your upper legs, and without some muscle movements to aid the circulation in your legs, the blood can't flow back up the veins in your legs as it should, and swollen feet and ankles develop as a result. There are several strategies you can try. The best is to always obtain an aisle seat, and take a brief walk up and down the aisle once or twice each flight, when the flight attendants will allow you to. Second, keep your legs as elevated as possible. If you have placed some carry on luggage under the seat in front of you, slide it back a bit and perch your tootsies on that for a while. And third, while you have your feet up, wiggle your feet back and forth, so that you can feel your calve muscles tighten. This will really help your circulation and prevent the swelling. An embolism or something awful? I really don't think so. Now you can fly at least without that anxiety. Getting there on time? Well, that's something else again. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.