$Unique_ID{BRK00453} $Pretitle{} $Title{Do You Have any Suggestions that Might Help with My Problem Itch?} $Subject{itch itching winter Skin dries out crack chap body oils chapped lips} $Volume{L-20} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Do You Have any Suggestions that Might Help with My Problem Itch? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: It probably is associated with the seasons, because it happens each year at the same time, but I develop a terrible itch throughout my body that is often more than I can bear. I've tried a number of antihistamines with little success. Do you have any suggestions that might help? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Your description, the time of the year and, incidentally, your postmark all help me to determine that you are probably suffering from the effects that cold winter weather may inflict on your skin. The colder air of winter fails to hold the amount of humidity or moisture that the warmer breezes do, and as a result our skin literally "dries out", becoming itchy as a result, and often making our fingertips crack and our lips chap. If, in addition, your sweat glands are a bit less active, or your body oils are decreased due to your own body chemistry or advancing years, your susceptibility to this annoyance is increased. The problem may run in families, particularly where there is a history of allergies, asthma and skin problems. It may be aggravated by a commonly used remedy for aches and pains that come on with cold weather, soaking hands and feet in warming baths or tubs. This extracts the oils in the skin even more, as can over frequent bathing and washing, and the use of too much soap. When winter skin dryness strikes, there are a number of ways you can help yourself, but antihistamines is not one of them. Try to limit your washing and bathing, and switch to a mild soap, one with low alkaline content that may contain oil or skin moisturizers. Use specifically prepared skin moisturizers and lotions after bathing. The over-the-counter products do just fine. Protect damaged skin from additional exposure; use moisturizers to treat chapped lips. If winters truly get to you beyond your ability to endure, and your life style and circumstances permit, you might consider spending this time of the year in climates that are more considerate of your skin. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.