$Unique_ID{BRK00420} $Pretitle{} $Title{Opinion on Sexual Activity in Older Persons} $Subject{sex aging Mental Emotional condition Conditions sexual desire activity elderly aged elder old older geriatric touching caressing behavior behaviors lifestyle lifestyles} $Volume{E-23} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Opinion on Sexual Activity in Older Persons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: You recently discussed sexual activity in an older person, and gave your opinion that you never became too old for sex. I think you are wrong, from my own personal observations, and are giving your readers a bum steer just to satisfy your own personal and hidden feelings. I bet you never publish this letter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: I suppose when you are wrong, you might as well be totally wrong, and so I will publish your letter and respond to your concerns. Family physicians are becoming more and more aware that they must consider the possibility of sexual desire and sexual activity in even their most elderly patients. This is not a moral or social judgement, or even an expression of personal sentiment, but merely acknowledges the facts as we are beginning to understand them, and the fulfillment of our responsibilities to our patients. A recent study conducted by the San Francisco State University, as reported in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, surveyed 202 healthy retirement home residents, ages 80 to 102. They discovered that while 62% of the men and 30% of the women actually experienced intercourse, 88% of the men and 72% of the women thought about it in daydreams and fantasy. The most common sexual activity was touching and caressing without actual coitus, for many men expressed fears of poor performance and inability to maintain an erection, while the women lacked vaginal lubrication and drive. Though orgasm was difficult to attain, it is clear that the will was still there, and the desire to express their own humanness was still aglow. My answers respond to the requests for information of my readers, based upon the facts as I find them. You need not feel threatened by my findings or your feelings, but are free to live your life as you choose, and in a manner that brings you happiness and joy. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.