$Unique_ID{BRK00406} $Pretitle{} $Title{Explanation of Infarcts} $Subject{dementia age aged elder elderly old older geriatric aging Alzheimer's infarct Circulatory multi-infarct dementia MID intellectual function loss memory language impaired judgement mathematical abilities strokes stroke brain hypertension Blood pressure diabetes mellitus high cholesterol smoke smoker smoking depression loss appetite insomnia guilt suicidal} $Volume{G-1} $Log{ Types of Ischemic Stroke I*0006901.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Explanation of Infarcts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: After a long period of testing and examining, our physician has finally decided that my mother's problems were not caused by Alzheimer's Disease, but by something he classified as "infarcts". He now feels that treatment may permit mother to be cared for at home. We are confused and would appreciate your help in explaining this to us. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: I realize that you must be in a difficult situation as you try to understand a complex diagnosis, and the implication it has for you and your family. A few definitions may help. The condition your mother is suffering from is called "multi-infarct dementia" (or MID). Dementia is defined as a decline in intellectual function as seen in the loss of memory, loss of language, impaired judgement or mathematical abilities, as well as other mental activities. An "infarct" is an area of dead tissue that results when the blood circulation to the area has been closed off, or obstructed. As the number and size of these areas increase, and more brain tissue is lost, the symptoms become more evident. Alzheimer's disease is certainly the most common cause of dementia, and is responsible for 25% to 55% of the cases, while MID is the second most common cause, and is diagnosed in from 10% to 30% of patients with dementia. If there is a history of small or large strokes, the chances that the cause of the mental decline is MID increases. High blood pressure is another risk factor, as are diabetes, high cholesterol levels and smoking. An important consideration in your mother's case is the hope that appropriate treatment can stop the progression of the disease by stopping the development of small clots in her brain that are causing the condition. If this can be accomplished, than caring for her at home permits her to remain in familiar surroundings, where she is best able to function. Another common complication of MID is a mild to serious depression, with loss of appetite, insomnia, feelings of guilt and suicide. This may occur up to 70% of the time, and requires additional care and treatment. You will need frequent consultations with your mother's physician, so that each decision about care may be based upon a thorough understanding of this condition. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.