$Unique_ID{BRK00402} $Pretitle{} $Title{Can Men Get Osteoporosis?} $Subject{osteoporosis men causes Musculoskeletal bones aging older elderly elder geriatric age porous bone calcium growth years exercise absorbed rebuilt modeling cells osteoclasts osteoblasts caffeine smoke smoking hormone therapy} $Volume{M-17} $Log{ Contributing Factors to Osteoporosis*0005701.scf Osteoporosis*0005702.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Can Men Get Osteoporosis? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: All the ads on television for calcium and osteoporosis seems to indicate that this is a women's disease. Is that true or can men get it as well? If a man can get it, how do you treat it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: The fact is that anyone can develop osteoporosis, usually at an advanced age. It certainly is more common in women, attacks whites more than blacks, and is rarely seen in young people. Although there are many factors in the cause of osteoporosis (literally: porous bone), one of the elements is the failure to develop bone with sufficient mass during our younger days. A plentiful supply of calcium during growth years is certainly required, but exercise may play an equally important role. As the muscles pull upon the bone, as in active sports, the bones develop the necessary strength to support these actions, strength that results from increased mass. Bone is a constantly being absorbed and rebuilt in a process called modeling, as cells called osteoclasts break down bone, while other cells, osteoblasts, build it back up again. For as long as these actions remain balanced, the bones remain pretty much the same. As age approaches, the ratio changes and more bone is absorbed than built and osteoporosis occurs. Some life style habits may also interfere with bone remodeling, foods and beverages containing caffeine and smoking to name just two. While women who are affected by this disease may be placed on hormone therapy, we rely on calcium in diet, and calcium supplements for the men along with a regular exercise program to help keep the bones solid. Younger readers take heed, here is another good reason, if you really need it, to maintain your exercise program now. Your bones will thank you in later years. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.