$Unique_ID{BRK00369} $Pretitle{} $Title{Recommended Methods for Removing Eye Specks} $Subject{special procedure procedures first aid speck eye eyes specks occupational environment protection safety goggles blinking rapidly remove removal removed moistened clean handkerchief gauze cotton swab flush sterile water eyewash artificial tears infection infections sensation eyelid eyeball} $Volume{P-21} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Recommended Methods for Removing Eye Specks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Every so often I get a speck of dirt in my eyes at work. When I try to remove it alone, I get several unrequested tips for getting the irritating speck out. I decided you might be the person to ask for the correct manner to employ in this regard. What is the recommended method? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: I suppose the method that works best may be considered the method of choice, and there are lots of ways of doing it right, as well as many that can cause more harm than good. Too begin, if your occasional problems stem from an occupational environment where there is a lot of specks flying around, it may well be that you require real eye protection, safety goggles on the job. If, however, there are just the ordinary hazards to deal with, here are some tips for ridding yourself of the annoying speck. First try blinking rapidly, to produce some tears and hopefully wash the speck away. If this doesn't solve the problem, you will need lots of light and a good mirror to look into, leaving both hands free. To remove a speck you have to find it. If it feels like it is under the lower lid, pull the lower eyelid down and away from the eyeball, and see if you can spot the offending particle. If it feels as if it is under the upper lid, pull the eyelid down and away from the eyeball and fold the eyelid back up, using a swab or paper clip to help. There is a piece of cartilage in the upper lid that will help. If the speck can be observed, it can be removed using a moistened clean handkerchief, piece of gauze or cotton swab. If such maneuvers are not effective, try to flush the particle out with sterile water, eyewash or artificial tears. All of these struggles are much easier with someone to help you. However, if these simple steps do not work, you are best advised to have a professional look in that eye. There are times when infections may be present which just provoke a sensation of a nonexistent speck that warrant special care. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.