$Unique_ID{BRK00326} $Pretitle{} $Title{Battered Women: Caught in a Trap} $Subject{battered women marriage beating Community Social feelings emotions abused abuse abusive wife beating violence violent behavior behaviors attacks pregnancy fear retaliation domestic beating tension remorse repentance} $Volume{Q-23, O-23} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Battered Women: Caught in a Trap ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: It seems that every day there is another story in the newspaper that tells of a woman being beaten by her husband or boyfriend. I am deeply touched by the misery that results from such situations, but can't help wondering why these poor women stay with these beasts. Surely, all they have to do is to get out to protect themselves. Why do they stay? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: These are complex situations, dealing as they do with human feelings and emotions, which are different in each case. I am sure many people feel as you do, but unfortunately "wife beating" usually does not start at the beginning of the relationship, but rather after strong ties have developed that can include the presence of children. The tragedy can occur in families from all walks of life, the rich as well as the poor. And it is pure fiction that some women "ask for it," as there is nothing specific in the actions of these women that seem to provoke the violence, and nothing they can do to prevent it. In many cases the attacks begin during a first pregnancy, when the man feels threatened by the new life that now occupies the feelings and attention of the woman, attentions that up until then were his exclusively. Although his remorse is acute after the battering, with promises and even actions of love and consideration, they occur again with cycles of increasing tension, a beating, and periods of remorse and repentance by the batterer. The woman is caught in the trap of this pattern as she hopes that the situation will change for the better and remain that way. Once the protective environment of the home is broken, battered women doubt that any place is safe. In many cases, the woman has no financial resources necessary to make that break, particularly when there is no supportive family to turn to, and when there are children who must be clothed and fed. With the threats of the man still ringing in their ears, they fear retaliation if they show any signs of leaving. Education may be an effective help as these victims learn that domestic violence is against the law, and are helped to identify the resources available in our society to assist them escape from their living hell. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.