$Unique_ID{BRK00286} $Pretitle{} $Title{What is a "Spinal"?} $Subject{spinal tap lumbar puncture description Special Procedures procedure Laboratory Tests LP diagnostic test cerebrospinal fluid CSF brain spinal cord spinal column bone vertebrae cartilage disks low back lumbar region local anesthetic brain hemorrhage nervous system radiopaque} $Volume{P-1} $Log{ Anatomy of the Spinal Cord*0006801.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. What is a "Spinal"? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I recently spent several days in a hospital for stomach problems. My roommate was very anxious about a procedure his doctor called a "spinal" and which he knew would be most painful. On the morning of my discharge, a group of doctors and technicians entered the room, pulled the curtains around my roommate's bed and, I suppose, performed the spinal. I never did see what happened and am most curious to know what a spinal is and why it is performed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: I can appreciate your curiosity, particularly when you had to leave before the end of the story. To start with the medical name is "lumbar puncture" (LP) and refers to a diagnostic test which is performed to obtain a fluid (it's called cerebrospinal fluid or CSF) which bathes the brain and the spinal cord. The spinal cord, a bundle of nerves running from the brain through the spinal column to all parts of the body, is the main "cable" of nerves that carries the current that permits our magnificent brain to control so many of our body's functions. The spinal column, constructed of alternating layers of bone (vertebrae) and cartilage (disks), commonly called the back bone, has a hole running through its entire length, to contain and protect this cord. However, the cord becomes thinner and thinner as it sends out branches to the body, and in the area of our low back (lumbar region), it no longer occupies the full space. Instead the CSF (fluid) fills the space between two membranes which cover the spinal cord. This permits the physician to insert a long, but thin, needle between two vertebrae into the space and collect CSF for analysis. The procedure is performed under local anesthetic to reduce discomfort as much as possible, but the idea of a needle in one's back is certainly intimidating. It is an important procedure, however, and can help in determining brain hemorrhage, infections in the central nervous system, as well as changes which can occur in some maladies of the spinal cord itself. The "spinal" or LP may also be used to administer medications, anesthetics, and radiopaque materials used in performing special x-rays of this vital structure. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.