$Unique_ID{BRK00234} $Pretitle{} $Title{What is the New Procedure for Dealing with a Ruptured Disc?} $Subject{low back disc surgery Musculoskeletal spine Ruptured percutaneous Automated discectomy cartilage vertebrae spinal column herniated disc surgical laminectomy operation probe-like cutting-suction device surgeries operation operations special procedure procedures discs} $Volume{M-17,P-17} $Log{ Herniated Disc can Cause Lower Back Pain*0005004.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. What is the New Procedure for Dealing with a Ruptured Disc? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I know I must do something to rid myself of the pain that is keeping me from a normal life. The physician I have been sent to informed me that it is a "ruptured disc" that is pressing against a nerve and causing my suffering. He wishes to use a new procedure which will suck the disc out of a tube placed in my back, and relieve the pressure. Have you ever heard of this, is it safe and how does it work. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Your physician is describing a new technique that may be used to treat ruptured disc called "percutaneous automated discectomy" and it could well be the answer to your problem. A disc is a round cartilage structure that is sandwiched between two vertebrae in our spinal column. Each disc is composed of two parts, an outer, tough, elastic, fibrous ring, and an inner, soft, pulpy nucleus. When the outer ring tears or breaks from pressures exerted on it by the vertebrae, the pulpy center is squeezed out through the break and may press upon nerves which lie just outside and next to the disc. This condition is called a "herniated disc". Older surgical procedures removed the disc completely and held the two adjacent vertebra in place using a bridge of bone (laminectomy), a difficult operation, with a long recovery period. The new procedure uses a probe-like cutting-suction device which is passed through a small tube that has been placed against your injured disc. Local anesthesia is used to block the pain at the site of insertion in your back. The probe is then inserted through the fibrous ring into the pulpy center and sucks out the nucleus of the disc, relieving the pressure. However this procedure is only indicated where the fiber ring is stretched out of shape, before it has torn, a situation identified on X-Ray. The operation is successful in about 80% of the cases, and greatly reduces pain and costs. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.