$Unique_ID{BRK00205} $Pretitle{} $Title{Can a Man Have More Than Two Testicles?} $Subject{testicles tumor polyorchidism Genitourinary System Testicles tumor condition lump bump lumps bumps scrotum scrotal sac tumors cysts mass biopsy tissue examination microscope extra glands twisted torsion surgical emergency malignant cancer cancers carcinoma gland surgically removed surgery surgeries} $Volume{J-15} $Log{ Anatomy of the Male Reproductive System*0006001.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Can a Man Have More Than Two Testicles? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: There may be some money exchanged as the result of your answer to this question, so I hope you will look it up to be sure. One of the guys on my bowling team claimed he had three testicles, and that his doctor insisted that one of them be removed. The rest of us think that he just had a tumor or something like that. Is it possible to have more than the normal two testicles? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Let me reassure you that I always check out answers before including them in the column, but knowing that so much was at stake, I double checked this answer. Pay up fellows, the story is completely possible. The condition is called "polyorchidism" and has been a medical curiosity for centuries. Ancient literature credited such men with supervirility and super sexual abilities. But those were just legends! Actually most additional lumps or bumps in the scrotal sac are either tumors or cysts but there are many documented cases that prove that more than 2 testicles are possible. The most common cases have three glands, but there have been reports of as many as 5 testicles. Usually the "extra" testicle is on the left side. The patient usually has no symptoms other than that of a mass, and a biopsy (obtaining a piece of tissue for examination under the microscope) is the only sure way to make a diagnosis. Since these extra glands are not in a normal anatomical position, they may become twisted (torsion) creating a surgical emergency. As this is a frequent complication, and since these glands frequently turn into malignant tumors, many physicians recommend that they be surgically removed before problems occur. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.