$Unique_ID{BRK00179} $Pretitle{} $Title{What are Gall Stones Made of?} $Subject{gallstone cause type Digestive System Gall Stones stone bladders bile cholesterol pigment bilirubin gallstones bladder} $Volume{I-9} $Log{ Multiple Stones in Gall Bladder*0003601.scf Single, Large Stone in Gall Bladder*0003602.scf Multiple Stones in Common and Hepatic Ducts*0003603.scf Single Stones in Cystic and Common Ducts*0003604.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. What are Gall Stones Made of? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Though they are causing me no pain, my physician has discovered that I have gall stones. What are they made of and how did I get them? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: You are not alone with your stones, for an estimated 25 million Americans have them, and that's about 10 percent of the population. In addition you are one of the lucky ones who have "silent" stones, not one of the 500,000 patients who will have their gall bladders removed to treat their painful condition and to prevent serious or even life threatening complications of this disease. Gallstones form when chemicals that are usually dissolved in the bile precipitate out, forming crystals that cling together to form stones. There are two main types, stones formed from cholesterol, in about 80% of the cases, and pigment gallstones formed from bilirubin and other compounds. The typical sufferer is a woman who has been pregnant, who is overweight and consumes a lot of dairy products and animal fats, and is past 50. However, 20% of persons in the U.S.A. of both sexes over the age of 65 have gallstones. Heredity plays a part as well as there is frequently a family history of the disease. If this description comes close to fitting you, you now have an indication on where your collection of unwanted stones came from. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.