$Unique_ID{BRK00178} $Pretitle{} $Title{What Can You Do About Bowel Incontinence?} $Subject{incontinence bowel bowels elderly treatments Digestive System fecal impaction rectal diverticulitis colitis diabetes mellitus sphincter rectal laxatives incontinence-pads undergarments underpants diapers geriatric laxative undergarment diaper geriatrics colon} $Volume{I-13} $Log{ Anatomy of the Colon*0001601.scf Diverticulitis*0010101.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. What Can You Do About Bowel Incontinence? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: My mother, who is eighty, lives with us, and lately I've noticed her bed linens and undergarments seem to be stained with bowel movements. She wouldn't talk to me about it, so what can I do? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: I'm happy to answer your question, for it is frequently asked, not only by family but also by those who suffer in silence from this distressful situation. Bowel incontinence is a common problem with elderly patients--sometimes it is a problem for which nothing is done because the patient refuses to discuss it. Basic human pride and dignity are at stake. It signals for the patient a return to infancy and the lack of ability to care for themselves. Nursing homes loom on the horizon with all the lack of respect and independence that they entail. It is not an unsurmountable problem; there are things that can be done. First, take your mother to her doctor and talk about the subject. A patient of mine--a spirited eighty-five year old woman, who lived with her granddaughter--was having the same problem. It took her three visits to open up to me about it, and together we did something about it. Mary and I first discussed the commonality of the problem for many seniors and some of the underlying reasons. Probable causes are fecal impaction, underlying disease, or neurogenic disorders. Impaction is the most common problem; it simply means a stool is stuck in the rectum and the incontinence takes the form of the soft seeps that flow around the hard mass--very easily diagnosed through rectal examination. Some underlying disease may be the culprits: diverticulitis, colitis, diabetes, and damage to the rectal muscles. There are times when the sphincter muscle, which controls the closing of the anus, has been damaged by previous surgery or injury. Neurogenic disorders (disorders of the nervous regulatory system) can be either local or part of a general condition. There can be local degeneration of the bowel and rectal muscles sometimes due to chronic use of laxatives or other drugs. Mental impairment can also be a cause. Sometimes older folk forget what rectal fullness feels like, especially stroke or dementia victims. So your mother's doctor will use his diagnostic tools and all the information necessary to discover the root cause of her problem. He will ask about physical status, bowel history, nutrition, and the family unit. He will look for degeneration of the rectal muscles, whether she can reach the toilet, and what her diet consists of. Most importantly, an optimistic attitude that something can be done will be imparted to your mom. Treatment of impaction and neurogenic disorders begins with a regular bowel program, which must be consistent and attainable. He will encourage a high-fiber diet, plenty of fluids, and planning for a time of day for a bowel movement. Suppositories might be suggested, initially once a day and eventually every other day. If success is not achieved, he'll suggest one of the many products on the market for both bowel and urinary incontinence--pads that attach to undergarments, underpants with pads attached, and finally disposable diapers. Many cleansers are available to wash the area and stop odors, and creams are available to soothe. Shakespeare told us about the seven ages of man, and though the last age is very much like the first, infancy, geriatric caregivers can add a touch of dignity, pride, and humor when caring for those who have indeed made it. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.