$Unique_ID{BRK00168} $Pretitle{} $Title{How Do You Treat "Air Condition Lung"?} $Subject{pneumonia air conditioner mold hypersensitivity Respiratory System Condition Lung Lungs pneumonia conditioners hypersensitivities pneumonias dusts microorganisms Farmer Farmer's spores moldy hay air-conditioner allergen micropolyspora faeni thermoactinomycoses vulgaris fever chills cough breath shortness humidifier prednisone sequoiasis redwood dust spore mold} $Volume{H-5} $Log{The Process of an Allergic Reaction*0001201.scf Cross Section of a Lung*0005901.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. How Do You Treat "Air Conditioner Lung"? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: This may be a new one for you, but my nephew (he is a medical student) says you will come up with the answer. Its a type of pneumonia caused by air conditioners, and its called "air conditioner lung". What is the recommended treatment and can it be treated without antibiotics, as it was in my case? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Medical students, like medical columnists, realize that all the information necessary to answer the questions is in a medical book somewhere. The problem is to find the right book when you need it. "Air conditioner lung" is one of a growing number of diseases in a group known as "hypersensitivity pneumonias". They are caused by an allergic response after exposure to a variety of organic dusts, microorganisms, or even simple chemicals. One of the first was "Farmer's lung," caused by exposure to spores found in moldy hay. In the case of air-conditioner lung, the allergen or causative agent is the same culprit as Farmer's lung (micropolyspora faeni or thermoactinomycoses vulgaris), which can produce the acute onset of symptoms of fever, chills, cough and shortness of breath in 4 to 8 hours after exposure in sensitive individuals. Physical examination and x-rays may confirm the diagnosis of pneumonia, but it takes a careful history to identify the cause. Air conditioner lung (sometimes called humidifier lung) may be difficult to diagnose unless the patient and the physician can link to disease to recent contact with the offending appliance. Effective treatment starts with ending the exposure to the organism or agent. This alone may be sufficient to end the acute disease, but severe cases may require the use of corticosteroids such as prednisone. Unless there is an infection complicating the circumstances, antibiotics are not generally used. Now try this one on nephew. What is "sequoiasis"? (It is another disease in this category caused by moldy sawdust from redwood trees.) ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.