$Unique_ID{BRK00159} $Pretitle{} $Title{Will Personal Blood Pressure Notes Help Your Doctor?} $Subject{blood pressure notes home test testing Circulatory System Special Procedures procedure pressures monitoring equipment vessels kidneys brain heart high monitor vessel kidney artery arteries vein veins} $Volume{G-3, G-4, P-3, P-4} $Log{ Anatomy of Blood Pressure*0009501.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Will Personal Blood Pressure Notes Help Your Doctor? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I take my blood pressure at home every day. I do it religiously, and keep careful notes. It takes time and I wondered if it was worth it. Is this information helpful for my doctor? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: If you are taking your blood pressure yourself, you probably have noticed that it varies considerably with your physical activity, your emotions, your diet, and by factors that you can't put your finger on. This is normal; your blood pressure is a dynamic force, one that rises and falls in response to the changing circumstances of your day and your body's reaction to them. You can see that taking your blood pressure only occasionally gives readings that may not reflect the true picture. If these occasional readings are taken only in the doctor's office, they may be even more inaccurate because many of us are a bit uneasy there. If you and your doctor agree that your home blood pressure monitoring equipment is accurate and that you use it correctly, your home readings will be helpful in getting an accurate picture of your blood pressure. Ask your physician to check your equipment against the equipment in his office, and always take it in to the office with you, so it can be rechecked. Some physicians are using "24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitors" to automatically check blood pressures at regular intervals for a 24-hour period. These monitors are not yet widely used, but they are becoming more common. Blood pressure should be controlled so that your body's organs aren't damaged by high pressure. Blood vessels in your kidneys, your brain, your heart and your eyes are just some of the vessels that are particularly sensitive to high pressure. Any method you have of learning more about your blood pressure will be helpful to you and your physician. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.