$Unique_ID{BRK00151} $Pretitle{} $Title{What Can You Expect From a Hearing Aid?} $Subject{hearing aid loss deafness Sense Senses Hear Aids ear ears canal in-the-ear behind-the-ear noise deaf} $Volume{F-21} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. What Can You Expect From a Hearing Aid? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Before I shell out my money perhaps you will help. What can I expect from a hearing aid? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: A hearing aid can be an extremely helpful tool, yet only about one fourth of all Americans with hearing loss use them. Many people don't realize they have lost enough hearing to make a hearing aid worthwhile or wrongly feel embarrassed about needing one. Physicians should test hearing more frequently than they do to screen for hearing loss. Almost everyone who has lost some hearing can benefit from a hearing aid, and you are never either too old or too young to get one. What you can expect from a hearing aid depends on what kind of hearing loss you have. Is the hearing loss in both ears or one? Do you understand speech well? Many people can hear in a range of sound that makes background noise audible but cannot hear speech. Other people may not need a hearing aid, but will benefit from other devices, such as a telephone amplifier. Hearing aids are now smaller and better than ever. Most devices fit right in the ear and are almost invisible. The three most common devices are canal aids, that fit into the ear canal; in-the-ear aids, that are larger and fit into the canal and part of the ear; and behind-the-ear aids, that hook behind the ear and have a tube and ear-piece in the ear. The problem with hearing aids in the past is that they amplified all sounds, both background noise and conversational speech, in such a way that a wearer often had trouble understanding what was said. Newer models are capable of screening out a lot of background noise, but no hearing aid can eliminate it totally. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.