$Unique_ID{BRK00146} $Pretitle{} $Title{Discussing Suicide} $Subject{suicide causes discussion community social Mental Emotional Conditions Condition adolescent college students quiet withdrawn Depression pessimistic guilt sadness alienation self-reproach helplessness depressed suicidal behaviors behavior teenagers teenager teenage teens teen antidepressants antidepressant suicides adolescents adolescence} $Volume{E-23,Q-23} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Discussing Suicide ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: My sister committed suicide. Perhaps you could prevent other similar tragedies by discussing this problem for your readers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Suicide, as we all know, is a frightening act that must be motivated by many subtle and hidden factors. The events leading a person to the point where they'd choose to take their own life are difficult to understand and pinpointing the motivating force is even more difficult. However, there are 500,000 to 750,000 attempted suicides each year and suicide has become the second leading cause of death among college students in the United States. Confronted with such staggering, sad statistics and the alarming fact that adolescent suicide has tripled in the past two decades, professionals have sought to understand the suicidal personality and have come to the conclusion that even if we don't have the answer for why people commit this act, it is at least possible to identify who is at high risk. And that is an important beginning. Women between the ages of 20 and 24 attempt suicide twice as often as men the same age, and there are definite personality traits that these women share. The high-risk woman is usually quiet and withdrawn, with diminished self-esteem and an inability to get on well with others in her group. She often experiences a stressful relationship with her family as well. Depression, of course, is a key factor. Most suicidal patients see themselves as failures, are pessimistic about the future, and are plagued by guilt and a pervasive sense of sadness. Social withdrawal is common and is frequently accompanied by a sense of alienation, self-reproach, and helplessness. The patient is likely to lose interest in previously enjoyable activities, find concentration difficult, lack energy, lose their appetite, and develop insomnia. Many of these traits are characteristic of a depressed personality and don't necessarily signal a suicidal nature, so it is extremely important to observe any recent change in behavior. If a person begins to talk about suicide or starts crying for no apparent reason, the behavior should be taken seriously. Since even well-adjusted teenagers experience depression and mood swings, it's easy to dismiss such behavior as a "phase" of adolescent development. In some cases, this may be the case, but if the behavior persists and interferes with normal activity, the warning should be clear. Since people at high risk for suicide tend to be passive and reluctant to volunteer information, it is important to understand their state of mind. A friendly conversation may offer perceptions that reveal if they're getting along with their friends, if they're feeling lonely, if they're having trouble sleeping or getting up in the morning. Such conversations not only help gauge their emotional state, but shows your interest and support as well. Since many depressed individuals feel alienated, exhibiting support and concern can play a critical factor in improving their mental state. It is very difficult to offer advice on such a painful subject when there are so many unpredictable factors. The only thing I can say to a concerned individual is to stress the need for communication and careful observation. Therapy and antidepressant medication have been extremely helpful in cases of severe depression and they have very likely saved lives. Still, relapse occurs in one out of five patients, and with suicide statistics what they are, love, support, and warm, human communication which clearly demonstrates your concern for the distressed individual are probably the best preventive medicines available. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.