$Unique_ID{BRK00135} $Pretitle{} $Title{Are Vaginitis and Yeast Infection the Same Condition?} $Subject{yeast vaginitis Infection Infections Genitourinary System vagina bacterial candidiasis trichomoniasis itching vaginal itch urination intercourse antifungal terconazole bacteria bacterium} $Volume{A-14, J-14} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Are Vaginitis and Yeast Infection the Same Condition? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I am puzzled and am sure that many of your readers may have the same question. Is vaginitis and yeast infection the same condition? How is it treated? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: I think you are right, many women are confused about this situation and so the answer to your question may, hopefully, help a lot of women. Actually yeast infection is only one type of vaginitis, which is defined as any inflammation of the mucosal tissue which lines the vagina. The causes of the problem are many and can include infections, changes in hormone balance, mechanical irritation and even allergic reactions. There are three major types of infection, bacterial, yeast (it goes by the name of candidiasis in medical circles), and trichomoniasis. About 20-40% of all vaginal infections can be attributed to a yeast infection. The most common complaint is one of itching in the vaginal area. Other problems may include redness and tenderness of external tissue, and pain during urination and intercourse. The discharge is usually thick, white and cheesy in nature. Symptoms like these usually demand attention from a physician and the cause can be determined. Once the cause is clear, a choice of medication can be made, and the prescription of an antifungal agent, such as terconazole, in either cream or suppository form, can rapidly cure the infection and alleviate the symptoms. Then it will be up to you and your physician to try to determine the source of your infection, so that you can take all the steps necessary not to repeat past mistakes and avoid the reoccurrence of this most uncomfortable situation. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.