$Unique_ID{BRK00110} $Pretitle{} $Title{Are There Any Warning Signs to Predict a Suicide?} $Subject{suicide adolescent depression Community social Warning Signs suicides suicidal previous attempt possessions Personality behavioral depressed mental emotional behavior behaviors child care adolescents adolescence teen teens teenage teenager teenager} $Volume{Q-23, S-23} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Service, Inc. Are There Any Warning Signs to Predict a Suicide? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: We realize that this is a difficult question, but hope you provide a simple answer, that we hope we don't really need. Are there any warning signs to predict a suicide? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Researchers believe that most individuals who are contemplating suicide show some warning signs before they take action. But, even with knowing these signs, it is not easy to identify a suicidal person. If someone you love is showing signs of considering suicide, he or she is looking for help and needs your care and attention. The most important indicator for suicide is a previous suicide attempt. Up to 50% of suicide victims have tried to kill themselves once before. Another important sign is talking about suicide, even with veiled language like "They'd be better off without me" or "I've had it." Some people considering suicide make arrangements, such as writing a will or giving away prized possessions. Personality or behavioral changes can be an important clue toward suicidal thoughts since it is a symptom of depression. Most suicidal people are clinically depressed. Treating depression can prevent suicide. If you are going to make any mistakes in dealing with your problem, make them on the side of doing a bit too much, rather than ignoring the situation that I sense you believe may be brewing. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.