$Unique_ID{BRK00099} $Pretitle{} $Title{How to Deal with PMS} $Subject{PMS premenstrual syndrome stress tension Ill Defined Symptoms symptom genitourinary system bloated anxious anger depressed month monthly mental emotional period periods depression anxiety menstruate menstruates menstrual menstruation menstruations menstruating cycle glands hormones} $Volume{E-22,N-14} $Log{ The Menstrual Cycle*0009101.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. How to Deal with PMS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: PMS is driving me crazy. What can I do? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Janet (I've changed the name, of course) was a tall, slender, attractive woman in her early thirties. She held a job as an office manager in an accounting firm, and was happily married with two children. But each month like clockwork she was in my office, physically bloated, anxious, quick to anger, and depressed. She too was at wits end, apparently a victim of her monthly rhythms, and her sex. But we've come a long way, and we now know that premenstrual syndrome is a definite and partially physically caused phenomenon. It causes women before their monthly periods untold grief and anxiety, for themselves as well as their family and friends. It is a problem that must be attacked from three angles: the biologic, the social, and the psychologic. The first thing I did for Janet was listen; she described a monthly syndrome and I listened. This in itself seemed to relieve her. Acknowledging PMS as a disease entity seems to ease the burden for many women. They are not crazy, mean, or selfish; they really are suffering. Their experience is validated and somehow also their worth as a person. Our next step together was educational. We discussed the possible symptoms of PMS and why it can't account for all feelings of depression and anxiety. What to actually do when PMS actually struck was next discussed. Much has been proposed: a program of aerobic exercise for 20 to 30 minutes a day for three to seven days a week, a diet watch to see that the fiber and protein content remain high while the sugar and carbohydrate content low--a modified hypoglycemic diet. We talked about getting the cooperation of her family and friends during these times of the month, as we also spoke of her learning new mechanisms of coping and dealing with the blows of life. Finally, we came to medication. Much research needs to be done in this area. We tried a vitamin, in this case a Vitamin B complex, and a diuretic to reduce fluid retention, and that seemed to work for her. It's important to realize that each patient must be treated in ways that seek to alleviate their unique problems. Your situation deserves its own personalized workup, and a therapeutic strategy that you and your family doctor can work out together. Take courage in the fact that you can be helped and find relief. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.